Any features you'd like to see implemented into Maxwell?
I just want to reiterate that I've never found it useful to clamp a continuos tone grayscale mask to a min or max value, but I've often wanted to re-scale it to a new min and max.

And it's not just that I don't want to do it before it hits Maxwell, it's that I want to use the same image multiple times: as a displacement, as a roughness, whatever else, and the settings that would make it work for one thing wouldn't well for another. Maybe I want the continuous tone image to run between 0 and 255 for displacement, but the same continuous, unclamped values to range from 190 to 255 for roughness.
Will there be a Maxwell Render 6 ?

Although i’ve been happily rendering away in[…]

SS Pinto Bean

Hi Tommy, Great stuff - love it~! Thanks for pos[…]

Never No More Studio Lighting

Hello Mark! Very good tips about the camera setti[…]

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