Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
By numerobis
interesting... i was looking for opteron overclocking lately. Maybe this is an alternative...
But i think the problem is, that the single thread performance will be still much worse. Hopefully Steamroller will be improved in this part.
By numerobis
dmeyer wrote:
12 cores per socket. :)
yes, that's the good part... but i don't want to see the price tag for the higher clocked 12 cores :roll:
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By polynurb
but i don't want to see the price tag for the higher clocked 12 cores :roll:
or the price for the MP chips!!! that is where amd changed it's policy.. the 8xxx chips were super expensive,too.
numerobis wrote:interesting... i was looking for opteron overclocking lately. Maybe this is an alternative...
But i think the problem is, that the single thread performance will be still much worse. Hopefully Steamroller will be improved in this part.
if you plan to use it as a workstation, yes that is weak performance.
i have still some years ahead with my current rig, but if i should ever build a pure render beast soon, 4x opterons would be my choice. you get almost the same price/performance as with 3930ks and less hassle than building 4 machines (very nice barebones from supermicro)

for pure rendering it is really interesting to check the opteron benchmarks in detail, Magnycours still performs very well even compared to the new 6300.

Also, and that is interesting to us, maxwell seems to run very well on any of the 6xxx opterons.

comparing the blender/pov-ray/or 3ds max render tests, the xeons (especially new e5s) are way ahead of the opterons, not so in maxwell.

this is a bit old.. but still valid



what about gpu maxwell q project?

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