Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
By sandykoufax
I'm satisfied with it.
I just upgrade my OS to Win8 from 7 yesterday.
IMO, it's a slightly speedy to launch programs and lighter than 7.
Most of all, I had some viewport ghosting issue with Maxwell Studio on Win 7, but now it's gone. :)
Max, Photoshop and all other programs are good so far.
Especially iTunes launched very speedy. In my case, it was very heavy and slow to launch on Win7.

Last edited by sandykoufax on Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By eric nixon
And its a slightly cluttered desktop,.. er there is no desktop, yeah good luck with that :roll:
By hatts
You don't need that program to have the classic Windows Desktop, it's enabled by default. It's one extra mouse click to get to it. Once there, there's really no difference using it between Win8 and Win7 (minus start bar).

Startup time on my machine was about ten seconds (SSD). Metro apps are absurdly fast; if I click the NYTimes app I'm looking at the front page in about two seconds. I stay in metro for a bit while I read the news & check the weather etc., then it's straight into Desktop from whence I don't return.

Beyond these empirical observations Win8 is also beating 7 in all meaningful benchmarks. I picked up my upgrade license for $40, which is a steal.

It seems most Win8 detractors haven't tried it for more than ten seconds...or at all...
SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?