Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
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By Fernando Tella
In fact I just got an email from Next Limit about it:

RoomBox™ is now a reality

Next Limit Technologies is glad to present RoomBox™, the digital playground for creative people; a tool for you to compose and create renders of your virtual world, just as if you were building and snapping a picture of a real-life roombox.

With RoomBox™ you’ll be able to design your own space, to create a stage for your next adventure, to customize a product and take a closer look before buying it: all this with photographic-quality and without any prior experience with 3D tools.

In the next few days you’ll receive an e-mail with an invitation to participate in this closed beta, and then you’ll be ready to download and try RoomBox™.

Thanks for your interest, and we hope you’ll enjoy the experience!
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By m-Que
I just said it SOUNDS like Ikea Home Planner, because:
... design your own space ... and take a closer look before buying it.
But lets just wait and SEE whats inside :wink:
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