Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
This company is doing wonderful disruptive work! The one downside I see is it can't do faster than 30fps even at 1920x1080, so slow motion work is out of the question. But still, probably they won't be able to make them fast enough at first to satisfy demand....great stuff :)
Mihai wrote:This company is doing wonderful disruptive work! The one downside I see is it can't do faster than 30fps even at 1920x1080, so slow motion work is out of the question. But still, probably they won't be able to make them fast enough at first to satisfy demand....great stuff :)
Yeah something different at least. The ergonomics are hilariously bad on them, the data management shooting raw .dng is even worse than Epic, and the LCD screen is useless.

But man, some nice images for $2k USD.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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