Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
By numerobis
i really don't understand why Snowden doesn't want to go back to the USA although they have promised not to torture or kill him (but only to imprison him for maybe 845 years...) :shock: :roll:

and now we have a terror warning for US embassies... what a remarkable coincidence - now they will tell us that we need even more universal surveillance :lol: :?
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By eric nixon
Tragic yet funny, NK's new nuclear backpack suicide division (Just ridiculous NK propaganda.. I think)


maybe thats why they emptied the embassies, but prob not.
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By Bubbaloo
More today from Mr. Roberts:
Give a minute’s thought to the idiocy of the government’s claim. Washington has been at war with al Qaeda for more than a decade and claims to have killed its top leaders, including Osama bin Laden. Yet, al Qaeda is stronger than ever--indeed, so strong that it not only fights in Syria, with Washington’s help, against Assad, but also fights the US in Afghanistan, causes ongoing destruction in Iraq, and has the capability to attack US embassies all across the Middle East and North Africa.

If Washington’s story is correct, clearly Washington has lost the war. The NSA spying is useless. Al Qaeda has become such a threat that Americans are safe nowhere despite the decade long wars and universal surveillance.

This shows how utterly stupid Washington is. By hyping non-existent threats, Washington proves its own impotence.

Nothing that Washington or the media--a.k.a. the Ministry of Propaganda--tells you is true.
By JDHill
Your grandmother has been standing in line for thirty minutes, waiting to enter the concourse.

As her turn comes, she shows the official her boarding pass and identification. Amidst the rush of hurried businessmen and travel-weary families, she struggles to remove her shoes. This done, she removes from her purse a plastic bag containing her perfume -- something without which she never leaves the house -- placing it carefully next to her shoes in the white plastic tub, and stands in line, waiting to be scanned. As she approaches, the security guard puts up his hand, indicating that she must also remove her coat, which she does without complaint, because she holds in her mind a particular notion of what it means to be a good citizen.

The impatient middle-aged business traveler next in line shoots her a brief and withering glance, something he has done countless times before, and will do countless times again. He will not remember this momentary delay five minutes from now, but she will. And she'll wonder, what is it that seems to be happening to people?

Now on the other side of the security portal, as she stoops to fasten the buckle of her shoe, the perfume bottle tumbles from her purse, shattering, and saturating the area with the sickly-sweet scent of Tea Rose. The maintenance worker who approaches to help clean up the scene, jokingly remarking that "at least it was in a plastic bag," can have no idea of the meaning of the loss -- not of the perfume, but of the bottle -- a token from long in the past. And you thought she kept it close-by because she was somehow afraid of ever not smelling that way.

She is alone as she makes her way to the gate, you having said your goodbyes at the curb outside the airport entrance. She will not see her great-grandchildren smiling and waving to her from the window as the plane taxis away, and three hours later, there is similarly no one welcoming her on the other side, as she and the other the passengers disembark. That, too, will happen at the curb, society's new greeting place.

Now, though, having again made her lonely way through the labyrinthine complex, she has collected her bags, and is still waiting for the car at that curb, surrounded by the heat and stink of taxis and buses. Near the place where two walls meet stands a newspaper vending machine; the headline reads: "President Declares: Remain Steadfast, We Are Winning The War."

And your grandmother pauses momentarily, a wistful look passing almost imperceptibly over her face, as a question occurs, which is subtly different from any she has ever contemplated before: "How is it that this can be called winning?"
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By Bubbaloo
You skipped over the part where the TSA agent groped, then strip searched granny in full view of the public.

Also, when the bottle of perfume broke, you forgot to mention the militarized SWAT team that swooped in and slammed granny to the ground, then arrested her and charged her with committing a terrorist act.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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