Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)

Who killed Kennedy

Lee Harvey Oswald
Linda Lovelace
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By Marr
Hello, everybody

I just placed my order for a student version of Maxwell ( i am exited like a 6 year old getting his first bike)

I just wanted to start out by asking for some advice before I start playing with my new toy. Could you guys tell me what to avoid and what to try in the beginning to get a hang of the software.

Also, i'm using a 1,5 gig apple powerbook, so it's probably gonna take a while to render, and I'm using my computer 16 hours a day, so I can only render at night. So I'm probably gonna have to buy another machine for rendering. Any ideas what to get using as little money as possible?

Anyway, just wanted to punch into the forum and say hi, and hopefully I'll be posting some renders soon.

Best regards
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By Mihai
You should probably start with trying to render a wineglass with wine in it....
(forum joke...)

First, read what's in the goodies section and Tutorials section, read some of the longer threads in this forum also, lots of info contained within.

btw, which Kennedy? Two of them were assasinated.....
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By Hervé
I killed him... he he
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By tom
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By tom
:D unfortunately, i'm still thinkng the same about motion blur 8etty.
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