By fv
The plugins for Sketchup don't work at this moment so don't buy. Simple as it is. If you want to be the first you take a risk but Maxwell like software will be available in the near future for much less so don't get worked up not taking part as an early adopter.

I bought it two weeks ago and have not been able to make a single render image and have gotten back to sales for a refund and a return of my license.

So, be satified and just wait for a better developed and userfriendly product and company. Nex Limit is not going to stay with their curent attitude towards potential buyers.
By fv
Ok, I have to add that others are really happy about having bought Maxwell. Its just a matter on whih side of the mountain you are, in the sun or in the shade. I have never seen it work so my help comes from the shade.
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By Burkhard
They told about trial versions, but now on beta stage it seems not to be possible.
A not finished product is not adapted to make a demo. It make sence in marketing to show a stable product.
This is an offer for developers to the alpha/beta stage with all the risk a new software could have be, and it was made for testing with a bright mass of people.
The only reason to buy maxwell ist the believe in that product and nobody can be sure that's working.
Now it seems finished in a few days and all people cry for more, trials, support.....
If maxwell offical release comes out you have the rights for a better support and for a good working peace of software - not yet.

just my 2 cents

Burkhard :wink:
By fv
I se that too but promised is a working maybe buggy but working beta version. I my case it does not work at all. Thats not whats promised by Next Limit. Its a simple deal, beta for half price. If they stated on their site it might not work at all many would not have waisted their time.
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By Burkhard
I realy feel sorry about the problems with the MAC.
I buy maxwell in April just by the promis of Victor Su is coming up this year. ( That time it wasn't upon the list as in progress )
I wait and i'm not disapear.
There are 20 days for the release and i'm sure that pavol is working on.
Be happy now for the half price, i'll hope you get it soon to work.

greets Burkhard
By fv
Just got a rather decent reply from Next Limit on my complaints and have decided to give them another chance. They have more or less won me over to have patience and wait till the version 1.0 solves my crash problem exporting from Skecthup.
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