Everything related to Maxwell Render and General Stuff that doesn't fit in other categories
Our is using Maxwell V3 and we want to introducce Maxwell V5. The problem is that many of our models are still Maxwell 3 reliant, and I am curious if we can toggle between v3 and v5 on the same machine. Any advice or guidance is appreciated.
On license side this is easier with maxwell 5.0.2 as we serve maxwell 5 licenses on a v5 folder sepparatly from v3 and v4. On file format, please note that Maxwell 5 opens maxwell 3 scenes and materials, but maxwell 3 will not open maxwell 5 ones.
SS Pinto Bean

Hi Tommy, Great stuff - love it~! Thanks for pos[…]

Never No More Studio Lighting

Hello Mark! Very good tips about the camera setti[…]

Will there be a Maxwell Render 6 ?


Sadly, this lack of a response demonstrates a mori[…]