- Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:55 pm
Please don't be offended that I would explain one-way mirrors; I try to answer as completely as I can, given the information provided, if only because more people than just you will read this.
Now, given the additional information you have provided, I can first say that it is unlikely for this to have to do with the SketchUp version, because that would require a change in behavior either in how geometry works in SketchUp, or material assignment. Next, it is likewise unlikely to have to do with the plugin, for similar reasons. And last, it is unlikely to be due to the MXM file itself, provided the file in question has not been changed.
This leaves two main possibilities: a) the material is not being assigned how you think it is, or b) the MXM file is not being found.
In either case, my initial troubleshooting advice would be the same: edit the material in the plugin, changing it from linking to an MXM, to using an embedded material Character. This is to rule out any possibility of the issue pertaining to the MXM. Next, I would edit the material Character to be something visually obvious -- a diffuse magenta color, or similar. Once you successfully use this obvious material to confirm that the material is being assigned as intended, in this particular case, I would then forgo the use of an MXM, and instead switch to using the Metal Character, set to the Mirror preset. Lastly, if you want the object to be semi-transparent, I would open the Object Properties window, select the geometry, and set Opacity to something less than 100%.