Everything related to the integration for Rhinoceros.
Thanks for news Fernando. Even bad news is better that nothing. It is a sad news... :(
I am currently stuck, because I upgraded to Rhino 6 from Rhino 4. Maxwell 4 is now for Rhino 5. So I can use only Maxwell 3 for Rhino 4. But Rhino 4 is only 32 bit. Todays software combinations and (un-)compatibility makes me crazy.
So Alonso quitted ... Iniesta quitted, Buffon quitted ... Hopefully they will be doing well.
Is there some new person to take this job after Alonso, or You are searching someone talented?
Jeremy, aren´t You comming back just for first phase to make plugin alive?

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By Forum Moderator
We are in contact with some people, but it is not decided yet.
It would be great if Jeremy wanted to come back again, but I don't think he's willing to do so. He was with us for many years, so he wanted to do something different.

I'll try to keep you updated.

By piroshki
Fernando - I'm sure it sucks to have to post such news, but I commend you for doing so. Some communication is always better than none.

Coders are in heavy demand... much be hard to find - good luck!
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By Forum Moderator
Hi again,

This is starting to move forward again. I'm preparing quite a big document for the new developers for Rhino in order to describe what we want inside the plugin so they can focus on the important things first and understand the whole project. I'm going through all the plugin, describing Jeremy's work and reviewing what I think can be changed or improved (with all due respect for Jeremy's work, of course; I know how well thought his plugin is).
We will try to first have an initial version including the basics for you to be able to work with Maxwell as soon as possible and then keep adding features. So, if there's something that bothers you about the plugin, something that you would do in a different way or just something new you would like to see in the plugin, this is the best time to express yourself. Please, let us know what you have in mind (while keeping your feet on the ground, :P ); hopefully, we can make it real.

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By ATHarvey
thanks for this thread,

my main request is that the "rendered" display have the same quality of light (in particular the environment map shadows) when Maxwell is set to the renderer. Best case scenario switching to Maxwell render would not change the display in any way except for material mapping.
By CRhinoManIA
Would LOVE to have render to network be totally scriptable from Rhino. For the Rhino 5 one, all it does it start the add to network queue dialog where you have to manually set all settings to add job to Maxwell network queue.
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By Forum Moderator
orkunkule wrote:
Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:47 am
Definetly I am expecting Grasshopper support at least for FIRE.
Hi Orkunkule,

Are you thinking about seeing the geometry in Fire as you change parameters in Grasshopper? Without baking the geometry into Rhino? The problem for that is that not even Rhino is aware there's geometry there; only Grasshopper knows about it until it bakes it.

Let's see if there is something we can do; first we'll aim for the basics.

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By Forum Moderator
ATHarvey wrote:
Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:04 am
my main request is that the "rendered" display have the same quality of light (in particular the environment map shadows) when Maxwell is set to the renderer. Best case scenario switching to Maxwell render would not change the display in any way except for material mapping.
Without personally knowing Rhino's code, I would say that a good approximation should be feasible. We will explore it; the rendered view in Rhino 6 is very nice.
CRhinoManIA wrote:Would LOVE to have render to network be totally scriptable from Rhino. For the Rhino 5 one, all it does it start the add to network queue dialog where you have to manually set all settings to add job to Maxwell network queue.
What should that script do? Currently, apart from selecting if you want a single or cooperative job and dependencies settings, everything is filled up with the parameters of the scene.

Thank you everybody for your input!
By CRhinoManIA
Meaning, I already have rhino scripts to load, change geo, and apply maxwell materials, but if want to add to network queue the command in Rhino 5 plugin rendertonetwork simply does same thing if you manually added a maxwell scene file to network queue, where you have to manually complete dialogs to add job to queue which kind of defeats whole scripting workflow. I'd be OK if simply was RenderToNetwork UseLastSettings=true where it would skip all settings that you already set in scene file anyway.
By CRhinoManIA
I guess if there was maybe simply an external exe or way to pass a .mxs file to add to network rendering queue without dialog interruption would work as well. so something like addmaxwellqueue.exe /myfile.mxs /queusettings.xml if absolutely need settings that the 'wizard' always asks for
By orkunkule
Forum Moderator wrote:
Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:07 am
orkunkule wrote:
Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:47 am
Definetly I am expecting Grasshopper support at least for FIRE.
Hi Orkunkule,

Are you thinking about seeing the geometry in Fire as you change parameters in Grasshopper? Without baking the geometry into Rhino? The problem for that is that not even Rhino is aware there's geometry there; only Grasshopper knows about it until it bakes it.

Let's see if there is something we can do; first we'll aim for the basics.

I am saying because Vray guys can do it. I am sure you can too.

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By Forum Moderator
CRhinoManIA wrote:
Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:37 pm
Meaning, I already have rhino scripts to load, change geo, and apply maxwell materials, but if want to add to network queue the command in Rhino 5 plugin rendertonetwork simply does same thing if you manually added a maxwell scene file to network queue, where you have to manually complete dialogs to add job to queue which kind of defeats whole scripting workflow. I'd be OK if simply was RenderToNetwork UseLastSettings=true where it would skip all settings that you already set in scene file anyway.
Hmm, it would require a small change in mxnetwork, and then in the plugin, I think. We already have a ticket for that, so we can make the network accept that option.

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By Forum Moderator
orkunkule wrote:
Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:49 pm

I am saying because Vray guys can do it. I am sure you can too.

Hmm, it is almost a full plugin for GH, right? Probably it will only happen after having the plugin for Rhino ready.

Anyway, I'm writing everything down so it's not forgotten.

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