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First thoughts on SW plugin for V1.0

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:35 pm
by jjs
Well after a while finally got my grubby hands on V1 and the plugin

Unistalled previous and installe v1 and plugin - no problems encountered.

Opened up a file and wow - the plugin looks like it can use the editor - still to work out how it all works but first noticed

1 - when selecting a material to edit within the plugin - it takes the 'editor' ages to load - say 1-2 minute - enough to boil a kettle. I like the access to the mat browser but not yet worked out how to save these yet .

2 . Hit the render button and something appears - can't seem to resize the rendering window while in progress like we could before.

3. The rendering seems to have a sever Moire pattern as it renders. Have not completed one yet - too impatient :D but it is the saves jpg file. I hope it goes with time

Anyway -

Well done Juan - take the afternoon off and come back tomorrow refreshed.



Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:51 pm
by juan
Hi Jonathan,

I will post a sticky explaining the new features of the plugin as soon as possible. The plugin has been further enhanced in all the areas and now the integration is really powerful. We will investigate why the editor takes so long time in loading, in our systems it is loaded in 4-5 seconds.

