By mtripoli
In my workflow I always seem to have the Database Manager, Object Properties and MXM Browser open at the same time (just me?)... maybe these could be combined into one menu like the Scene Manager? Perhaps something like this:


Just a suggestion...
By JDHill
I assume you're on two screens? Being on one screen, that layout would be a bit 'big' for my taste - I hardly ever (i.e. never) have the Object Properties and Database Manager windows removed from the Task Pane, and rarely use the MXM Browser. No matter though - what you show there is a good idea. And, along those lines...I doubt it will be working really soon, but under the hood, all of these things are in the process of being designed so that you'll be able to have a 'Maxwell' window, where you can dock the various items however you want to, if you want to. When that's working, you'd be able to create a layout like your screenshot. But as I say, this will take time - it can only happen after I'm finished completely unifying the UIs of the SW and Rhino plugins.
By mtripoli
Guilty... I have two monitors so yes, I keep the menus on "the other one"... :)
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