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By dk2079
I have one question:

why is the network Monitor using backslashes to define file paths?

In Linux, the path separator is /. In Windows, it is either \ or /. So just use forward slashes and you will be fine.
from here

I have been trying for hours to get a hybrid renderfarm(win764&linux(centos) going.

I mounted the Win Server share "\\SERVER\renderfiles" to local "/SERVER/renderfiles"

smbclient test shows successfull logOn with provided credentials (I added the mount to /etc/fstab)

Now when I try to send a job, adding the file to a network monitor running on windows 7, the path for scene and output images will be like:


one debug level in the linux rendernode console i can also see that the node is trying to find \\SERVER\renderfiles\test.mxs

but it does not start rendering because LINUX can't deal with the \ , at least that is what appears to me as the problem.
I mean I am a Linux nooob, but:

for the fun of it I exchanged all the \ with / before sending the job from the windows network monitor, and voila:

both win 7 and linux rendernodes are working fine getting all scene & texture data.

any ideas?
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By dk2079
I also followed the steps as pointed out here

using \\SERVER\renderfiles instead or //SERVER/renderfiles for the mount results in the same local mountpoint /SERVER/renderfiles

Linux nodes still didn't get the scene data

however It works when I send the job from a Linux monitor to a Linux machine. so I assume my mount is fine and working.

I did some more research:

when sending a job using the monitor running on linux box maxwell uses forward slashes..

> browsing through the monitor GUI the scene comes in with only one / like /SERVER/renderfiles/scene.mxs as expected from the mount (interestingly though the GUI shows outputpaths for the images as "//SERVER/renderfiles/scene.png and .mxi)

if I leave the scene with one / the win machines can't get the Path.. they won't start to render, but if I add a second / manually to define //SERVER/renderfiles/scene.mxs as the scene source, they render fine.

so I can get this to work from both monitors win&linux, but in either case I have to manually correct the file path so both OS nodes can read the scene & texture data.

why is that? how can I work around it?
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