All posts related to V3
By bograt
Hi, I'm having trouble opening up .vdb files exported from Houdini. I get an error messege:
ERROR: - [Extension MaxwellVolumetric] Error loading base grid : density, exiting VDB loader
ERROR: - [Extension MaxwellVolumetric] Error reading .vdb file. Aborting...
WARNING: - Loading geometry extensions.
ERROR: - Data preprocess failed. Render cannot continue
[05/June/2015 20:21:08] Ending render process..
The file I'm trying to import is from a sequence of 100. The strange thing is that I can render files 75,76,77 but no others. The files are names like: 'DEFAULT_SMOKE_1_97.vdb', though I have tried renaming and still not difference. The file sizes are only about 700kb.
I have also tried deleting all volumetrics from scene and starting again. All the surrounding .vdb files are very similar file size and they were all exported in one go so I can't figure out why Maxwell favors these few files out of the 100.
Any else had this? Any ideas?

By bograt
I tried with and without 'density' written in the box but it made no difference... the error messages aren't all that descriptive either. I'ts a real shame, the low res frames I got working were looking good!
By bograt
I can't check at the moment but I'm pretty sure they are all the same. You say you had the same problem, did you get any .vdb files to work?
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By Mihai
Please post the console readout when you just launch a render and have removed the "density" text from the UI. It should at least tell you what the grid names are in the file. The files that work, have the same file size as the ones that don't?
By bograt
The text in the first post I made was before I tried manually writing in 'density'. To save on file size i only exported the density channel. I will try to include more and get back to you with the results
By bograt
At long last I have had a chance to test this again with no luck, but I did test the cloud you uploaded Seghier, and thanks, I really appreciate it. The clouds worked perfectly so I can assume the vdb files I'm outputting are no good. I cant think what could be going wrong but Maxwell just seems unable to read the density channel, no matter what I try.
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