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Iv been playing with the new displacement features of V3 with Maya.
My problem is, that even though i get the displacement looking as it is supposed to look, the object moves during render.
You can see this in my attachment with the Maya view and the rendered view.

Screenshot: ... roblem.jpg

Without the displacement the object renders where it should be. So it definitely has to do with the vector displacement map or my settings..

UVS are created with Zbrush as GUVtiles for this test.
Vector dips settings in zbrush: Flip and switch: 3, vd tangent off(world), 32bit, vd Suv on, vd SNormals on,

I export the obj and map and put them together i maya.
My Maya settings are visible in the linked screenshot. The camera for viewing in Maya and the one used for rendering are the same.

Any toughts ?
It's not the camera that's moving, it's the object itself. It looks like the displacement map contains an offset, so it moves the entire surface away from the origin before displacing it. Was the object scaled in ZBrush?

I have no experience with vector displacement from ZBrush, but I'll ask someone who does to explain the settings needed to export maps which are compatible with Maxwell.
Hi Mikael,

Could you please try with a map exported in tangent space (and consequently changing the displacement options to tangent)? Maps exported in world space could give problems with objects that do not have an unitary transform but have some position/rotation/scale values different than the default ones (also zbrush and mudbox have different meanings for "world" and "object" space, to make the situation even more messy but that is another story..).


I can't get tangent to work(with settings changed to tangent in maya). I get super weird displacement, almost like a fishing net:)
Im using tangent flip and switch 7 in Zbrush but I'm not completely sure thats the right number as i can't get the zbrush diagnostics file to render properly in maxwell(via maya) either(with tangent settings).
Ill try again tomorrow... Iv got a character face model that only offsets half of the amount of this test(above) with identical settings. :?
MikaelP wrote: Im using tangent flip and switch 7 in Zbrush but I'm not completely sure thats the right number as i can't get the zbrush diagnostics file to render properly in maxwell.
Have you tried with type 3? It seemed to be the type that was working better during the testing phase.
Yes, as Juan suggest, please use 3 for both -- here is the diagnostic scene, exported & rendered using both tangent & world, using these settings:
  • Preferences > Importexport
    • FlipAndSwitch: 3
      Tangent FlipAndSwitch: 3
      Tangent Eval Mode: 1
      U/V Offset: 0
    Tool > Export
    • Qud: on
      Scale: 1
      Offset X/Y/Z: 0
    Tool > Vector Displacement Map
    • vd 32Bit: on
      vd SUV: on
      vd SNormals: on
Please also make sure to set Maxwell's displacement > Offset value to work with your map, depending if it is 0-grey, or 0-black (this is using an exr with 0-black, so Offset = 0.0):

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