End date: May 13
By rodrigonotor
seghier wrote:t
my father died yesterday . and i don t know if i can continue or no but i will try
seghier, although no words can really help to ease the loss, my sinceres condolences. I know what means lost a father.

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By seghier
i use daz and rhino to create idea inpired from CALATRAVA style
CALATRAVA artist and architect and in some projects he use human body
now i will work with material of the body and the surface
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By seghier
i develop my last idea : CALATRAVA style and cutting of ground (making by human) to show grass (nature)... (sorry for my english , i hope my idea is clear)
and i use camera map in 3dsmax ; with camera map i don't need to use shadow channel or alpha ; i just play with the light of hdr and other light to avoid lighteness or darkeness of the ground
i use two free characters but the result not realistic ; than i use daz to create woman
now i render the final image and i will make some retouch to fix errors

and the rendre time :)
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By seghier
verification of the camera result
i use map from google earth and i verify the dimensions in 3dsmax
i use also the hdr image to verify the human height
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By seghier
i try to add this photo to the final render
i create 3d object with daz with same pose to calculate shadows
i hope to success in the composition , i never tried that
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By seghier
i have question
the ground in the photo have two parts one without reflection and one with reflection
when i try adding reflection to the left part it became bright than the right part; how can i avoid that ?
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By Mihai
What are you rendering on, and what do you think it is in the scene that takes a long time? The scene itself looks pretty simple to me, there should be no reason for it to take a long time. Can you show a preview of what the render looks like?
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By seghier
Hi Mihai
yes it is simple but there is noise in the sculpt ; i think because i use hdri an six lights ?
i increase the sampling level to 25 because with sl = 23 there exist some noise in sculpt and car
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By Mihai
If you turn on Multilight, you can turn on/off each emitter while rendering to see which one(s) is giving you most noise. SL 25 is pretty extreme. Also post your material, maybe that's the problem.
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By seghier
thank you
i turn off the lights and the most noise from hdri image ;the material i use online resources and local material with little modification and texture
Chocolate test with SSS
