By JDHill
Did you know that... can change numeric fields by:

1) LMB down on the textbox
2) hold down LMB and roll mouse up/down


...or by using a resizeable scale:

Last edited by JDHill on Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
By JDHill
Did you know that... can run Maxwell right alongside another renderer:



- doing so means that Maxwell is not the current rendering plugin anymore. This means that some of the services provided by the proper rendering-plugin part of Maxwell for Rhino 4 will not function, for example drag-n-drop Materials, reading of V3 Rhinoll Scene Settings...but the list is short.
- the SunView control will not interactively generate viewport shadows if you are running the demo version of Maxwell, this is true whether or not Maxwell is the current renderer.
By JDHill
Did you know that... can export all Materials in the Scene into a single file, with the option of also copying all referenced textures to the new file's location:

1) choose to export as an .mxl (Maxwell for Rhino 4 Material Library) file:


2) choose to copy all referenced Textures:


3) choose to make all Texture paths relative to the new .mrl file:


4) choose or create a new folder, and Library name:


Process completed, you now have a single-file Material Library that may be imported into any new Scene in one operation, with the assurance that the imported Materials are exactly as they were in the Scene they were saved from.


I have noticed that Rhino does not seem to set the 'current directory' correctly when opening a .3dm from the recent files list, near the bottom of the File menu. This causes the use of relative texture paths to fail. The apparent workaround is to always open a file using the File > Open method. be continued...
By JDHill
Did you know that...

...You can render a Bongo animation with the Maxwell plugin using RhinoScript:

Thanks to polykat for figuring out how to use the plugin with Bongo via RhinoScript, and to and polynurb helping figure out how to keep things going smoothly when there were memory issues. Though the plugin is designed to give easy access to its animation routines, I didn't figure it would end up working with something as simple as:
Code: Select all
Rhino.Command("! _Maxwell_BeginAnimation") 
For i = 1 To 100 
  Rhino.Command "_BongoSetSliderPosition "& i 
Chocolate test with SSS
