Hi JD,

I just loaded Sketchup Beta 3.2.5
The same problem occurs.

Can I uninstall Maxwell and Sketchup, clean the registry and reinstall?
This issue is killing me with material import to SU.
MX: Util.set_object => camera on #<Sketchup::Page:0x00000019e5cea0>
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: load => Baptistry Designs
MX: found 'inoxLowNi.mxm' @ 'P:/2013/13122-3 Blackshear Place Worship Center/CAD/ARCH - Mock Set located in Detail Library/CD/SketchUp/textures'
MX: MXM browsing failed or was cancelled.
If I browse in Scene Manager selecting the folder icon:

MX: material.mxm: [hash] => {"name"=>"chrome_scratch1", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"R:/materials database/mxm files/metals", "file"=>"chrome_scratched.mxm", "mtime"=>1155147080, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"R:/materials database/mxm files/metals", "file"=>"anisotrpy1.png", "mtime"=>1148665294, "valid"=>true}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"chrome_scratched_1155147080.jpg", "mtime"=>1452889257, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>240, "s"=>0.017857142857142794, "v"=>0.4392156862745098}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.mxm: [hash] => {"name"=>"greenmetal", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"R:/materials database/mxm files/metals", "file"=>"greenmetal.mxm", "mtime"=>1150810662, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"", "file"=>"", "mtime"=>0, "valid"=>false}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"greenmetal_1150810662.jpg", "mtime"=>1455306543, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>43.63636363636364, "s"=>0.20000000000000007, "v"=>0.21568627450980393}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.color: 255:125:125:125 => 255:55:52:44

However, the material will not load into the Sketchup materials selector even after coming into the Maxwell Scene Manager.
I thought this might be helpful.
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By hwolfejr
c:/programdata/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/dm_profilebuilder/profilebuilder.rbs:135:in `block in <module:ProfileBuilder>'
More selecting materials; the copper material DID come into the SU editor!

SketchUp:1:in `call'
MX: material.character: [hash] => {"type"=>"mt_opaque", "name"=>"V3 Opaque", "roughness"=>0, "nd"=>1.33, "projector"=>{"dir"=>"", "file"=>"", "mtime"=>0, "valid"=>false}, "ref_index"=>1.72, "ags_type"=>false, "shininess"=>40, "transparency"=>3.1, "p_opacity"=>24}
MX: material.character.shininess: 40 => 14
MX: material.character.roughness: 0 => 32
MX: material.character.roughness: 32 => 42
Error: #<LocalJumpError: unexpected return>
c:/programdata/sketchup/sketchup 2016/sketchup/plugins/dm_profilebuilder/profilebuilder.rbs:135:in `block in <module:ProfileBuilder>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
MX: material.mode: embedded => mxm
MX: material.mxm: [hash] => {"name"=>"copper_scratched1", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"R:/materials database/mxm files/metals", "file"=>"copper_scratched.mxm", "mtime"=>1156393404, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"R:/materials database/mxm files/metals", "file"=>"copper_reflection_map.jpg", "mtime"=>1156388180, "valid"=>true}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"copper_scratched_1156393404.jpg", "mtime"=>1455307484, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>26, "s"=>0.3529411764705882, "v"=>0.3333333333333333}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.textures.color.app: [hash] => {"file"=>"copper_reflection_map.jpg", "dir"=>"R:/materials database/mxm files/metals", "valid"=>true, "mtime"=>1156388181}
By JDHill
In the third post up, we see you opening a model, and we see the plugin searching for, and finding, an MXM named inoxLoNi.mxm, located on a P:\ drive. What does that material look like when you select it in the Scene Manager > Materials page? Then, what happens when you try to import this MXM again, in a new model, both by using the Browse for MXM function, and by switching an existing material to MXM mode and browsing to the file from within the plugin?

Next, I would like to know once again, what happens if you create a simple material in MXED, render its preview, save it to your personal documents folder, and then try to load it into SketchUp using both methods.

The message printed while trying to browse with MXED (i.e. "browsing failed or was cancelled") definitely indicates that there was simply no output recorded from MXED, and I do not know what could cause that.

In this last post, you say that an MXM did load; the next question is whether it always succeeds with that one, and fails with others. If so, please zip & email (jeremy at nextlimit dot com) me some of these files, so I can hopefully reproduce the behavior here. Also, we see some error happening in a plugin apparently called profilebuilder -- to simplify the situation as much as possible, please try temporarily disabling/moving all other plugins.
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By hwolfejr
I made a local TEST.MXM material and a new SU model.

First, Scene Manager would not show MXM folder since no materials had been assigned in the model. (default was in the SU material editor)
I selected Asphalt New in the SU material editor and assigned it to the block face.
I then selected MXM button and the folder browse to select the new TEST.MXM materail. It came in.
notice the material name did not change to Test.
I hit the texture bitmap and it is assigned to the SU material editor under Asphalt New material.

Secondly, I then use the Browse Material tool in the Maxwell plugin. I browse to my local Test.MXM material and select it.
The error again comes in.

https://www.dropbox.com/sc/z0htpvsvcfbs ... oX84kw8Dea

Ruby Console window:

MX: material.mode: [empty] => mxm
MX: material.mxm: [empty] => {"name"=>"Test", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"E:/Rendering/materials database/mxm files/roofing", "file"=>"Test.mxm", "mtime"=>1455310193, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"E:/Rendering/materials database/mxm files/Downloads", "file"=>"Shingle0002-d0.jpg", "mtime"=>1204212246, "valid"=>true}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"Test_1455310193.jpg", "mtime"=>1455310255, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>15, "s"=>0.09411764705882353, "v"=>0.3333333333333333}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.textures.color.app: [hash] => {"file"=>"Shingle0002-d0.jpg", "dir"=>"E:/Rendering/materials database/mxm files/Downloads", "valid"=>true, "mtime"=>1204212247}
MX: MXM browsing failed or was cancelled.

The material loading I mentioned was the same action as the FIRST step above. It didn't work properly.
The P:/ drive mentioned was the same drive as the model is located. Textures had been written there dutring an MXS output.
I verified my paths in Max Studio and Render to make sure the material location was proper since my IT guy had tinkered with it.
Materials are on network drive M:/
By JDHill
Let's leave browsing with MXED aside for the moment, since the plugin is unable to see that any output is being written. So, focusing on loading MXMs using the Scene Manager, you are able to load the TEST.mxm from your local documents directory. It is fine that the name stays how SketchUp had it; it is supposed to work that way. Next, copy some of the MXM files from your R:\ drive over to your local documents directory, next to the TEST.mxm file, and try to load them from there. You said there was a "copper" one that loaded, and apparently several others that wouldn't; we want to see if the pattern follows, once they're in your local documents directory. If you are able to load them all, then we will suspect a networking/mapped drive problem; and if not, then please zip and send them to me so that hopefully, I can use them to observe similar behavior here.

That said, now back to one thing I noted regarding browsing with MXED: I notice that your command line is running as Administrator; what happens if you run SketchUp as administrator? Or, if you are already doing so, then what happens when you don't? Do you see any change in behavior?
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By hwolfejr
https://www.dropbox.com/s/r776l2ndswcy2 ... 1.tif?dl=0

i copied materials to the Documents folder and I could load all of them with Scene Manager. I can load any materials from the network M:/ drive the same way in Scene Manager.

I have posted the complete Ruby Console from working in this session. I ran Sketchup as Administrator.
When running Fire, I had to copy support image files for the copper material three times.

MX: MXM browsing failed or was cancelled.
MX: material.mode: [empty] => mxm
MX: material.mode: mxm => embedded
MX: material.mode: embedded => mxm
MX: material.mxm: [empty] => {"name"=>"Brick Floor", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"D:/Butch User Folders/Documents", "file"=>"Brick Floor.mxm", "mtime"=>1243309382, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"M:/mxm files/brick", "file"=>"tile.jpg", "mtime"=>1243305792, "valid"=>true}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"Brick Floor_1243309382.jpg", "mtime"=>1455313741, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>8.571428571428571, "s"=>0.37234042553191493, "v"=>0.3686274509803922}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.textures.color.app: [hash] => {"file"=>"tile.jpg", "dir"=>"M:/mxm files/brick", "valid"=>true, "mtime"=>1243305795}
MX: material.mxm: [hash] => {"name"=>"copper_scratched1", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"D:/Butch User Folders/Documents", "file"=>"copper_scratched.mxm", "mtime"=>1156393404, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/copper_map", "file"=>"copper_reflection_map.jpg", "mtime"=>0, "valid"=>false}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"copper_scratched_1156393404.jpg", "mtime"=>1455307484, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>26, "s"=>0.3529411764705882, "v"=>0.3333333333333333}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.textures.color.app: [hash] => {"file"=>"", "dir"=>"", "valid"=>false, "mtime"=>0}
MX: material.color: 255:191:124:111 => 255:153:153:153
MX: material.mxm: [hash] => {"name"=>"Brick Floor", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"D:/Butch User Folders/Documents", "file"=>"Brick Floor.mxm", "mtime"=>1243309382, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"M:/mxm files/brick", "file"=>"tile.jpg", "mtime"=>1243305792, "valid"=>true}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"Brick Floor_1243309382.jpg", "mtime"=>1455313741, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>8.571428571428571, "s"=>0.37234042553191493, "v"=>0.3686274509803922}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.textures.color.app: [hash] => {"file"=>"tile.jpg", "dir"=>"M:/mxm files/brick", "valid"=>true, "mtime"=>1243305792}
MX: material.mxm: [hash] => {"name"=>"copper_scratched1", "notes"=>"", "file"=>{"dir"=>"D:/Butch User Folders/Documents", "file"=>"copper_scratched.mxm", "mtime"=>1156393404, "valid"=>true}, "texture"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/copper_map", "file"=>"copper_reflection_map.jpg", "mtime"=>0, "valid"=>false}, "thumb"=>{"dir"=>"C:/Users/butch/Documents/Maxwell/SketchUp/temp/previews", "file"=>"copper_scratched_1156393404.jpg", "mtime"=>1455307484, "valid"=>true}, "color"=>{"type"=>"mx.Color", "events"=>{}, "enabled"=>true, "hsv"=>{"h"=>26, "s"=>0.3529411764705882, "v"=>0.3333333333333333}}, "internal"=>{}}
MX: material.mode: mxm => embedded
MX: material.mode: embedded => mxm
MX: material.textures.color.app: [hash] => {"file"=>"", "dir"=>"", "valid"=>false, "mtime"=>0}
MX: material.color: 255:191:124:111 => 255:153:153:153
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: Exported in 1.763s.
MX: Fire error => startRender returned -1
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: found 'copper_reflection_map.jpg' @ 'D:/Butch User Folders/Documents'
MX: Exported in 1.555s.
MX: Fire error => startRender returned -1
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: Exported in 0.967s.
MX: Fire error => startRender returned -1
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: Exported in 0.918s.
MX: material.mode: mxm => embedded
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: Exported in 1.270s.
MX: material.mode: mxm => embedded
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: Exported in 1.146s.
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: unloading Fire data
MX: Exported in 1.108s.

When working with the Scene Manager, you said the name not changing is proper.
I don't quite understand working that way since it doesn't load into SU and you have to make a new SU material then load the Scene Manager bitmap image. It is easy to get materials confused, i.e., the SU material had the grass loaded and when I made a new SU Copper material and hit the Scene Manager bitmap to load it, SU changes the grass material to the copper image.
Sorry I don't understand how to work with it.
I like the MXED browser better when it works.

Thanks for your time.
By JDHill
When you browse for an MXM file using MXED, you are creating a brand new material in the scene -- this material must be given a name, so the plugin assumes the name of the MXM is as good a choice as any. On the other hand, when you link an existing material to an MXM, you aren't creating anything; you are just associating that material with the chosen MXM file. Maybe your material isn't named "blue tiles", maybe it's named "floors - first level", and you wouldn't appreciate the plugin changing it to "oak slats", just because you happened to associate it with an MXM of that name. If you want to change the name of a material, you would use the SketchUp material editor, the same as you'd do if Maxwell weren't even installed.

That aside, what do we know at this point? When working from the local machine, and also from a different mapped drive (M:\), you don't experience an issue when browsing for an MXM file via the Scene Manager, but you do in all cases, when using the MXED-based Browse for an MXM file function. Your co-workers do not experience any similar issue, nor do I have any reports like it, other than yours. Unfortunately, this only leads to the conclusion that there is some yet unknown factor, which is specific to your machine, and which it seems we are unlikely to find, just going back and forth here on the forum, so please email me (jeremy at nextlimit dot com), and let's see if I can find something by operating your machine remotely.

Haha, thanks.

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