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By inefecto
We have a network setup with Network disk shortcut (win7x64).
T:\ is mapped to \\serv\project\

Work great for most of all the software we use in our pipeline.
The problem is that Maxwell network didn't recognize the network disk heaven if all our computers have the shortcut... We have to change the path of all our texture in Maya to match the perfect network path (\\serveur\etc...). With this method, no render problem with animation sequence.

In fact we used a great mel script "filetexture manager" to replace the network letter by the network path. Now we begin to use MXM node in maya and this script also don't work anymore (all path are stored in the MXM file). So we have to change every texture path one by one... Quite annoying and if we forgot one, the animation render failed (only with animation job, no problem with collab).

It would be so great you had a conversion path in network render like in most of render network.
Here's a screenshot of RoyalRender config :
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