By koots
I have been testing this plugin for a few days and here are few of bugs I encountered:
1. With Mantra I am using Vertex sop to flatten normals, but that does not work with Maxwell, only facet and cusping, which basically rip vertices. Can you export Normal attribute to Maxwell, I think that vertex will work than?
2. If I create Maxwell environment before creating Maxwell camera, and set view to that camera, Houdini will crash.
3. When Maxwell Sea is in scene, if I enable preview of it Houdini will crash.
4. Maxwell grass is not displayed in viewport even preview is checked.

Not sure is it better to add it here or via customer gateway, please let me know.

Thank you,
By 11hp11
The new version (v3.0.0.1) of the plug-in is released with the fixes, except "3. When Maxwell Sea is in scene, if I enable preview of it Houdini will crash." which happens only on OSX.

Haha, thanks.

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