By dvsone1440
I received the email regarding "JUST RELEASED: Update for the Maxwell for SketchUp V3 plugins (V3.0.1)" If we installed the beta of 3.0.1 is it the same thing? Or should we still upgrade as additional tweaks have been added? I have a lot of machines to upgrade so if its the same don't want to do it.
By dvsone1440
actually just realized mine is not 3.0.1 but Assume I just answered my own question and yes I should update. Please correct me if I am wrong.
By JDHill
The plugin update is to version 3.0.1, which has been available on the betas page for awhile. I only ever build one set of plugin packages with a given version number, so regardless whether you see a package for download on the betas page, the official download page, or announced in an email, if it refers to the version you see by clicking Plugins > Maxwell > About in SketchUp, there is no need for you to update. Betas aren't rebuilt prior to promotion to release, as this would introduce unnecessary uncertainty; they are simply uploaded and announced.

However, by your mention of something being version, I can only assume you are referring to a Maxwell Render installation; in that case, the current Maxwell Render beta is on version, and I guess may be getting updated to later today. So you may want to look into that.
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