By balt
Hi all,

it appears that some objects that have been imported from another program when exported via sketchup to MXS are mirrored the wrong way around. See attached pics, the righthand side of the stair should have a wall with the handrail, but the wall gets mirrored the wrong way around in the render (which is also evident in maxwell studio, don't have to wait for the render to see).

Any idea how this can be fixed?


- Balt

SKP: Image
and in MXS:
By JDHill
Is the image above rendered directly from the plugin, or from Studio? There is a problem like this when opening some files in Studio, which I am working on right now, so if you could send me this file, I'd like to confirm whether my changes cover it, or if there is a different problem in this file. My email is jeremy at nextlimit dot com.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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