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Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:06 pm
by Creation88
this has been my #1 issue with Sketch-Up to Maxwell Render.

here's what i did:
1) download newest material
2) make a 15'x15' box
3) apply material with material panel (loaded new material)
4) export to MS

look how HUGE the scale/tiling of the material is. how do i fix this? please help!


Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:18 pm
by JDHill
Can you post a link to the MXM, or at least give its name? When using MXMs in SketchUp, the tiling of textures should be set to 1.0 in MXED, and Real Scale should be turned off; the UVs will be generated by SketchUp when you set the texture size in SketchUp's material editor.

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:25 pm
by Creation88

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:30 pm
by Creation88
from everything i see, all settings ARE at 1.0. can't find "Real Scale" setting though. using MR V2.

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:21 pm
by JDHill
Thanks, the MXM looks fine. 'Real Scale' refers to when you set an MXM texture's tiling 'Method' to 'Meters' rather than 'Relative'. The terminology changed in V2, but I usually forget and still call it real scale as it was in V1.

There are two possibilities I can think of for the problem in your scene:

1. after your step (2), you grouped the faces and assigned the material to the group
2. the SketchUp material that the MXM is associated with has no texture

In the first case, I don't think that the current plugin handles UVs correctly when a face's material assignment is coming from a parent group or component -- it needs to be assigned to the face directly. In the second case, there will be no UVs for the plugin to export; you need to use a textured material in SketchUp.

Let me know if either of these help, otherwise I'll need more detail so that I can duplicate the scenario more accurately.

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 6:27 pm
by Creation88
ah! BAZINGA! i was using a plain color texture instead of a textured one. thanks soooo much!

now, what is your method for dissolving/blending the TILES together better?


Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 6:27 pm
by Creation88
i guess what i mean is: how do i avoid a noticeable REPEAT in the material tile?

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 6:51 pm
by JDHill
That is outside the realm of SketchUp, Maxwell, or the plugin -- they just use the textures you give them. If you are unhappy with the way your textures look when they are tiled, then you would have to edit the actual texture files in photoshop or similar to make the tiling less noticeable. There are several different programs out there for creating seamless textures.

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:38 pm
by Creation88
ah excellent. thanks so much for your help and quick replies. much appreciated.

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 3:37 am
by Richard
JD is right there you need to fix the material in PS to get rid of the repeat, though maybe not so much for this material but for many adding a second BSDF layer with a weight of around 10% with a dirt map at a scale or repeat indifferent to your base material will greatly reduce the visual tiling effect.

I do this to a lot of materials to 1. avoid visual tiling and 2. because it helps the image generally by dirtying up the scene. To avoid excessive map introductions I use the same dirt maps (1 of two) for all materials - one is a mottled random slatter style greyscale image (great over brickwork, concrete, paving etc) and the other vertical water streaks (for external painted surfaces, bagged brickwork, stonework etc).

The other way to break such surfaces in the final image is to ensure mottled shadows cast over areas - just stick a couple of clipped trees in the foreground hidden from the camera.

Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:29 pm
by brodie_geers
another possible issue you may have based on your images. it looks like you've got a rather wavy mesh there. I'm guessing it's not modeled like that and the issue is with a displacement map. If your material's displacement precision is too low or your mesh doesn't have enough subdivided faces, you get this issue.


Re: Material SCALE issue

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:39 am
by Richard
Mate I think that and the precision is off though the map for larger areas has a bad repeat!