Hi all,

When I assign a material in SU, the dialog box to select an MXM comes up and I load the corresponding material. This material works fine when assigned to the same object in Maxwell Studio. However when rendering out of SU, the object gets assigned some sort of base colour that is part of the material (transparency for instance gets translated properly, as do emitters). But anything that contains a texture appears as a colour with no texture.

Anybody else seen that and knows a way around it?


- Balt
Looks like I solved this one myself: Grouped objects are showing that problem, they need to be exploded before rendering out of SU. This unfortunately makes the rendering process cumbersome, hope this gets addressed at some point!


- Balt
You hit it on the head mate, a map the same size as one used in the MXM needs to be placed to the base geometry and not painted to a groupd of the SU default material.

In the case of exploding groups I'd suggest using a shortcut for explode and one for group, this will simplify the process.

The one issue that unfortunately occurs with SU and not a issue from the MR plugin is that if a group is resized the UV's will be resized with it. I do hope JD can get something sorted with the plugin to this regard though remember he will also have to battle with the limitations caused by SU's lack of functionality - if only they would apply the long requested feature for the option of "non-scaling textures"!

The strange thing is that your material is actually being painted even to the group though the tile repeat is so small the material seems a single colour.

Mate my suggestion to modeling with SU for any renderer is to start with base geometry, paint your base map to it and then group, if you want to scale this group do so with the group opened for editing. Note this may still require resetting of the material scale - so hence sometimes the pushpull toool is the best option!

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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