By messire
Hi all,
We're facing a problem with sun positionning ( SU7 and 2.1.12 plugin )
We cannot get a correct sun position in the render...any clue?
We're having the sun come from left in sketchup, but comes from far right ( behind building) in MR...
Here are the two images of the render :



thnx for hints, finally found some time to install for real the last plug in !! cant wait to try out with better results...

By JDHill
Could you email (jeremy at nextlimit dot com) a simple SketchUp file that reproduces this? For what it's worth, the angle is taken directly from SketchUp.
By messire
thnx JD,
I think i solved the issue by resetting all the environnement settings in the Maxwell window inside sketchup ( the dot at the end of each line) now works, i still wonder how it went into those settings, and especially why the sun moved around 180° when there is no settings for that!...anyway it works now!


what about gpu maxwell q project?

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