By Wynott
Hi Jeremy

I'm finding the point cloud detail in MXS previews is really tied to my file size. For example, the engines in this boat are quite heavy and changing point cloud detail from 1 to 100 makes a 90mb difference in the file size. Multiply this by 5 or 6 heavy pieces of equipment and it starts to be come a problem.

Is there anything that could be done to alleviate this? Obviously the higher detail is nice from a user perspective, but changing the detail up and down every session isn't really practical.

My project file is getting quite large and is starting to present some logistical issues in terms of uploads and bogging down the boatbuilder's network as all the workstations try and sync the file.

I guess in a dream world the detailed point clouds or nurbs boxes would be somehow generated when the file is opened or something instead of being saved in the file. Doubt this is possible.

You have any other ideas?
By JDHill
Not really -- using full detail largely defeats the purpose of using MXS References in the first place; all I can really recommend is to try using one of the other display options (NURBS, wireframe), or lowering the point detail. At full detail, it should hardly be better to use an MXS Reference, than to reference a 3DM containing a mesh (as opposed to something that needs to be meshed).
By Wynott
Maybe some way to globally adjust all point cloud detail levels in one place would be reasonable to implement? I wouldn't mind doing it once per session.
By JDHill
Wynott wrote:Maybe some way to globally adjust all point cloud detail levels in one place would be reasonable to implement? I wouldn't mind doing it once per session.
Yes, just select multiple MXS References (getting one instance of each is enough, since they all point back to the same definition), and change their detail -- the plugin will adjust them all at once.
By JDHill
No, that's not currently possible. It should be possible to iterate block definitions, deleting the point clouds from those used for mxs refs, but it would be necessary to use the (Properties) UI to regenerate them later.
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