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Softimage 2011 and existing plugins

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:49 pm
by oz42
I've just read about the new version of Softimage (2011) that debuted at GDC - - and it looks like there will be easier integration of 3rd Party renderers, both for the rendering and the materials. I'm not sure when the release date is but I just wondered, if I upgraded to the new version of Soft', would the existing plugins still work or are new ones in the pipeline?

P.S. whilst I'm here, I'm working on a new project and was going to animate the Physical Sky parameters of Maxwell via the current Softimage plugin but they're not animate-able. If you are, indeed, working on a new plugin could these be made available as well, please.

P.P.S. another animation problem I have is with changing camera apertures. Whenever I do an animation and change the camera aperture over the length of the animation it never seems to work; the aperture value remains the same as the first frame throughout. Is there a solution to fix this?

Re: Softimage 2011 and existing plugins

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:58 pm
by Mihnea Balta
The current plug-in works with 2011. The improvements to the SDK are fairly small and don't make anything easier for us. The main problem we've faced was the lack of flexibility in the UI, and that hasn't changed.

XSI 6 crashes when we make render options animatable. We haven't tested this in newer versions, but we will and if it's fixed we'll release an update. We'll also take a look at the camera animation problem.

Re: Softimage 2011 and existing plugins

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:11 pm
by oz42
the way the new features list reads, it makes it sound like it's a lot easier to work with 3rd party renderers. I guess that's just Autodesk being economical with the truth!

Thanks for looking into the other issues for me, it would be great to have these working.