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By arch3d
Hi all,

I have small issue with MXS References:
1.Set global scene factor to 0,01;
2.Import MXS References;
3.Exprot scene to Studio;
4.Maxwell rescale References to 0,01;

Thank you for help
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By Mihnea Balta
I think we'll add a checkbox on the MXS reference object which controls this, since there may be cases when you want the global scale to be applied on the references. It's probably best to set the default to unaffected by global scale, so it will work as you expect it to.
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By Mihai
An option would be great, I can think of more instances where I don't want the reference to be affected by global scale, I want it imported/rendered at the scale it was created.

Would it be possible also somehow to specify that you want a copy of the pointcloud to be an instance, and not a new copy of the MXS? Maybe in the MXS Reference options, a checkbox to say it's an instance and ability to choose which MXS reference in the scene it should instance.
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By Mihnea Balta
I think it's better to do that inside Maxwell, so we don't have to implement the same functionality in every plug-in. If you have N objects referencing the same MXS file, one should be loaded and the other N-1 should be instances.
Chocolate test with SSS
