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odd preview

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:29 pm
by Rogurt
Hello all,

when tweaking mxm materials in c4d I will get funky previews after some time. The preview is then looking like an emitter was added with a cyanish color. The mxm opened in mxed form within c4d looks fine after the preview is re-rendered. Also the final rendering shows the material as intended. Seems like c4d maxwell plugin does not like me to fumble around one material for too long :-)

Do you experience that too?


Re: odd preview

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:49 pm
by JDHill
I recall having seen something like that a couple of times, but am not sure how to reproduce it. Let me know, next time you see it, if it helps to switch to another preview scene and back.

Re: odd preview

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:25 pm
by Rogurt
yep. switching to another preview scene helps. still when switching back to default preview scene it´s all the same.
by the way. what size are the preview scenes? I wanted to tweak transmission etc for realworld scale and wondered if what I see in preview is 5cm 10cm etc (except for the floor preview). Opening the mxs in c4d seems to mess scales up. Studio gives no clue about absolute sizes as far as I can see.

The drapery and the floor scene work fine while standardpreview gem and jewel wont. First I thought it´s got something to do with volumina/single sided objects. But the "realscale" and "primitives" preview work fine. odd


Re: odd preview

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:53 pm
by JDHill
Everything is in meters in Maxwell, and the grid size should be indicated if you have the grid enabled in Studio. On this:
switching to another preview scene helps. still when switching back to default preview scene it´s all the same.
Does this mean you have a material that shows up wrong the first time it's rendered in the defaultpreview scene, each and every time the defaultpreview scene is loaded? Or, do you have to make some modifications to the material, after loading the defaultpreview scene, in order to trigger the issue?

Now I remembered where I saw this, and it was also related to the defaultpreview scene; at SolidWorks World last week, this scene was rendering wrong (possibly similar to your description) on the machines I was running. It works fine for me here on my own machine, though, so I'd tend to look at the MXI file used for illumination in that scene (I think this is also used in the other scenes you mentioned). That was my hunch when I saw this last week, anyway.

Re: odd preview

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:38 pm
by Rogurt
Or, do you have to make some modifications to the material, after loading the defaultpreview scene, in order to trigger the issue?
Yes just like that. I get the feeling that it occurs much more frequent when having the "always update" buttton on (the red one).

Re: odd preview

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:18 am
by JDHill
Well, if you can find any kind of pattern to it, that would help. And yes, just as a matter of probability, you should notice any issue more quickly with realtime update enabled. JC had a question about an odd problem with the material preview yesterday, and it helped for him to zip up his /preview folder and send it to me, so maybe you could do that. Probably too, if you have a Cinema file containing materials that are triggering this, you could delete all the geometry from that and send it along too (to jeremy at nextlimit dotcom) -- these things are usually due to some obscure combination of factors that is not easily found by accident.

Re: odd preview

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:51 am
by Rogurt
I will see into that the next time it occurs. Still I´m not quite sure what "preview" folder you mean. The "previewscenes" Folder in the maxwell app path? Or the folder where a mxs and textures would be exportet when hitting "render" in cinema?

Re: odd preview

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:59 am
by jc4d
Is the preview folder inside the Maxwell 2 (in my case) folder. [MAXWELL2_ROOT]\preview


Re: odd preview

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:27 pm
by Oli4D
This seems to be a bug in Maxwell 2.6.1
It happens not only in the C4D Plugin but also in other plugins or the MXED.

I think it's a bug in 2.6.1
Never had this problem before, but now often.

In general 2.6.1 seems much more buggy anyway than 2.6.0 was :(