I'm an old maya and maxwell user, and I just tried maya2016 now.
I can't understand how to use the new hypershade with maxwell shaders...
The links to layers are missed, and the different textures don't appear in the graph.

I tried to get info on the web, but I couldn't find anything.

Thanks for help.

PS : maya 2016 osx and last beta maxwell plugin
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By Mihnea Balta
Apparently the 2016 Hypershade is more fussy about which nodes it displays when you graph a material. I have to modify the plug-in code to create the layers and BSDFs as shading nodes, not regular nodes, although in practice there's no distinction (they're all just nodes). I'll make this change for the next plug-in update, thanks for spotting the problem.
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By ababak
Is it a bug that when duplicating a shading network (material duplication) there is no shading group node attached? So the material is unusable until you create a new shading group node and assign material's Out Color to its Surface Shader.

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By Mihnea Balta
ababak wrote:Is it a bug that when duplicating a shading network (material duplication) there is no shading group node attached? So the material is unusable until you create a new shading group node and assign material's Out Color to its Surface Shader.
That's not a bug, it's standard behavior in Maya. The same thing happens with built-in materials, such as Lambert.
ababak wrote:And still I don't see any BSDFs and extra textures graphed
Is that an existing material, or did you create it from scratch? Unfortunately, nodes need to be classified at creation time, so existing materials will not be graphed correctly, since they have been created as generic nodes, not shading nodes.
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By ababak
Mihnea Balta wrote:
ababak wrote:Is it a bug that when duplicating a shading network (material duplication) there is no shading group node attached? So the material is unusable until you create a new shading group node and assign material's Out Color to its Surface Shader.
That's not a bug, it's standard behavior in Maya. The same thing happens with built-in materials, such as Lambert.
I see. Then I'd say it's a bug, but not in Maxwell)) As it worked at some point before just fine.
Mihnea Balta wrote:
ababak wrote:And still I don't see any BSDFs and extra textures graphed
Is that an existing material, or did you create it from scratch? Unfortunately, nodes need to be classified at creation time, so existing materials will not be graphed correctly, since they have been created as generic nodes, not shading nodes.
Yes, it's an existing material. Maybe a script can be made to process existing scenes? Thanks.
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By Mihnea Balta
Unfortunately such a script is not easy to do, since there's no way to change the classification of a node after it has been created. We'd need to copy the settings from the existing nodes into new nodes, delete the current versions, and reconnect everything. I'm not sure it's worth the effort, since Hypershade isn't very useful or handy for editing Maxwell materials anyway.
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By ababak
I could not agree that Hypershade is not useful. It can be used to graph materials with textures and reconnect nodes to use one file node in several places. It could be used to make different versions of one material by reusing layers/BSDFs across them.

I can confirm that the newly created materials graph fine. But not the existing ones, exactly as you told.

Well, recreating nodes method looks pretty straightforward, maybe I'll find some time to dig into it.
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