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Textures not showing up in viewport

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:30 pm
by Neil Evans

I am struggling to get the textures to show up the viewport. I have just updated to the latest beta and am still getting the same problem. Works fine for standard maya shaders.

Also I loose all the mat previews in hypershade each time I close and reopen Maya, is this normal? Pretty annoying if it is.

Thanks again.


Re: Textures not showing up in viewport

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:31 am
by choo-chee
no matter Maxwell version, I couldn't get textures on ATI card. Changed to Nvidia and it worked. also much less crashes.

Re: Textures not showing up in viewport

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:29 am
by Mihnea Balta
The material previews are saved into the .mayaswatches directory, which should be next to your scene file. This happens when you save your scene, so if you render a preview and then close maya without saving, the preview will be lost. Can you check if you have a .mayaswatches directory, and if it contains files named like your materials?

I'm not sure what could be causing the problem with the viewport textures. What video card do you have? Do you have the latest drivers for it? Which OS are you using?

Re: Textures not showing up in viewport

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:03 pm
by Neil Evans
Hi Mihnea

I seem to have solved the mayaswatch problem by turning on the render previews automatically.(although ironically I can't remember where I switch it on!!).

As for textures in the viewport, I got those working by dropping out of viewport 2.0, the textures are not mega crisp but at least I can see them. If I want to set up mapping I create a standard Lambert and then switch afterwards.



Re: Textures not showing up in viewport

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:03 pm
by Neil Evans
Hi Mihnea

I seem to have solved the mayaswatch problem by turning on the render previews automatically.(although ironically I can't remember where I switch it on!!).

As for textures in the viewport, I got those working by dropping out of viewport 2.0, the textures are not mega crisp but at least I can see them. If I want to set up mapping I create a standard Lambert and then switch afterwards.



Re: Textures not showing up in viewport

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:03 pm
by Neil Evans
Hi Mihnea

I seem to have solved the mayaswatch problem by turning on the render previews automatically.(although ironically I can't remember where I switch it on!!).

As for textures in the viewport, I got those working by dropping out of viewport 2.0, the textures are not mega crisp but at least I can see them. If I want to set up mapping I create a standard Lambert and then switch afterwards.

