Hi, I'm using Maya 2013 x64 on OSX Lion 10.7.5
I have a problem with Maxwell displacement. I have a scene in Maya with an imported alembic from C4D. The scene is quite simple and beside the alembic I have poly plane for emitters and camera. The scene is also illuminated with IBL. I use reference materials and it all works fine most of the time. The issue is this: one of the characters in the scene has a material with displacement applied. First, I noticed that displacement is not visible unless I turn on "Embedd in MXS" and I found a topic mentioning that here. But in my case that only works in last two frames. This is what happens: the scene is 35 frames long. First 33 frames displacement is there but there's a weird blur around the edges of the object (not from shallow depth of field) and the displacement distance is not correct - if I try to edit MXM in Mxed and up the % in Height field and update the MXM in Maya nothing is different in the render. And then abruptly on frame 34 and 35 displacement renders correctly without that weird blur on the edges and with correct height. I tried everything I could find or think of: change displacement texture from grayscale to RGB. Change subdivisions in MXM, Change from tessellated to On the fly mode. Recreate material in Maya and use Maxwell Layered Material. Baking fbx from C4D instead of Alembic. I even started examining the alembic export to see at what moment this thing happen. I learned that if I export just the mesh geometry of the character without any animation to alembic and import that into Maya then it works. But that's not really helping. Then I discovered that if I switch motion blur from Movement+Deformation to Movement only the displacement work as it should. But the reason why I'm rendering from Maya is that C4D plugin doesn't allow Motion+Deformation motion blur and I need that because of character animation. I have no more ideas how to solve this so any help would be great.

Here's how this difference between frames 33 i 34. The SL is different but you can see a huge difference in displacement depth. And also please notice the weird blur on edges of pineapple body - if I up the % in MXM displacement Height the displacement stays the same, only that blur gets more pronounced.

And this is how it looks with Movement+Deformation MB vs, Movement MB only. You can see that the leaves and eyes are blurred in right image while the body isn't. That's because body motion comes from deformation not from change in pivot position and that's the reason why I need to render with Maya plugin. I don't understand what's happening when M+D is used that breaks the displacement rendering.

And yes, if I turn on Smoothing in MXM displacement layer it breaks down even more. Brought to you by Movement+Deformation Blur.
So what started as a certain bug with a displacement might turn out to be a Movement+Deformation motion blur bug?

Ideas are really welcome, thank you.
I'm afraid deformation motion blur isn't supported for objects with displacement. The engine doesn't outright refuse to render this combination, but it produces incorrect results. I'll talk to the engine guys and tell you if I get more details, or any possible workarounds.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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