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By choo-chee
Mihnea I need your help again ;)
Some scenes consist of a few views to render.
So my question is, is it possible to "group" some elements together (not the regular group command of course) and switch between them easily?
Example: camera01 uses light01 as it's sun (by track object) and layer01 has the plants of this view.
camera02 uses a saved preset of the physical sky, layer02 and layer 03.
So sometimes I forget to change one of the aspects (like I need to render the frontal view but forget to change the sun and I get a render with the back view sun...).
Is it possible in maya-or the maxwell plugin- to tell maxwell that when I set my viewport to a specific camera, maxwell will automatically use the relevant stuff for it?
thanx !
Use render layers. You can create layer overrides for the render settings, so you can have different environments in different layers. You can also set the renderable camera for each layer, but it will only be taken into account during batch rendering. The "render frame" button (and associated menus and hotkeys) always use the currently active viewport, so you must remember to switch both the layer and the camera if you render from inside Maya. This is not a Maxwell-specific thing, it's how Maya works (mental ray and Maya Software behave in the same way).

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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