Hello Guys,

I got a Server with onboard Quad Opteron 6100 /48 cores and 16GB of RAM that can be upgraded to 512 GB of RAM.

The problem is any render on that beast: single (Hi-resolution of course)image via studio or animation of any reolution takes about 2-3gb of available ram!
ONLY If i Batch render 4 animation / sequences or 4-5 hi rez images at the same time form maya or studio, the renderings will use up to 12-13GB.

Is there a workaround to allocate maximum of memory and system power CPU/RAM to maxwellrender on single tasks?

Allocating memory priority from task manager/leave it!!! thats not the way to go....
Neither maxwell.exe to -HIGH from command line would works!

Any suggestion...

Thanks in advance,

voxelpictures wrote:Hello Guys,

I got a Server with onboard Quad Opteron 6100 /48 cores and 16GB of RAM that can be upgraded to 512 GB of RAM.

The problem is any render on that beast: single (Hi-resolution of course)image via studio or animation of any reolution takes about 2-3gb of available ram!
ONLY If i Batch render 4 animation / sequences or 4-5 hi rez images at the same time form maya or studio, the renderings will use up to 12-13GB.

Is there a workaround to allocate maximum of memory and system power CPU/RAM to maxwellrender on single tasks?

Allocating memory priority from task manager/leave it!!! thats not the way to go....
Neither maxwell.exe to -HIGH from command line would works!

Any suggestion...

Thanks in advance,


As I mentioned in response to your private message, even if you could allocate more ram to maxwell.exe than it needs, it's not going to make it render faster. The only time RAM is going to have a substantial impact on rendering performance is if you run out of it, in which case, your render time will go up, a lot.

The only things that are going to make it render faster are:

1). Faster computer. This means more cores or faster cores.
2). Optimize your scene.

If you really want to make it use more ram, create a cube, duplicate it 10 million times, and hide them somewhere in your scene.

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