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By limbus
We use a Distance Tool for setting the focus of the camera. For this we parent one locator of the Distance Tool to the camera so it moves with it. This breaks FIRE. I get the following error message:
Code: Select all
// Error: file: /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2014/scripts/maxwellRegisterShelf.mel line 466: No object matches name:  // 
Undo or unparenting the locator does not prevent the error.

Maya 2014
Maxwell Plugin 2.7.15
Mac OS X 10.8.3
Windows 7 Pro x64

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By limbus
Just in case it wasn't clear how to reproduce this bug:

1. create a camera
2. create a distance tool with one locator at the same position as the camera.
3. parent this locator to the camera.
4. try to start FIRE.

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By limbus
This Bug appears if any object is parented to the camera. It does not need to be the locator of a distance tool.

The second time I try to start FIRE, I get a different error message:
Code: Select all
// Error: file: /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2014/scripts/maxwellRegisterShelf.mel line 583: Object's name 'MaxwellFIRE' is not unique. // 
After I quick look at the specified MEL files, I think the error is caused by some bug in the new code for rendering with FIRE in isolate mode.

Cheers, Florian
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By Mihnea Balta
No, it was caused by the fact that Maya normally gives us the camera transform node, but when an object is parented to it, it returns the shape node directly. Our code tried to obtain the shape from the transform without checking, so it failed. It's fixed for the next build.

The second error message means that the FIRE window exists, but it's hidden because it failed to initialize. You can do "deleteUI MaxwellFIRE" to get rid of it, but you will just go back to the first error message next time you try to open FIRE.
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By limbus
Hehe, just wrote some MEL code myself where I had to check which node is returned and then try to get the correct one.
Thanks for the update. Vey much looking forward to the update.

Cheers, Florian

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