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By limbus
It seems that the Maxwell plugin 2.7.15 breaks rendering of particle instances. If I create a particle system and use the particle instancer, maxwell won't render it. Neither in FIRE nor in Maxwell Render.

Windows, Maya 2014 latest Maxwell Plugin and Render version.

Please fix this ASAP since this is a huge dealbreaker.
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By limbus
Its also broken on the Mac. Maxwell Render 2.7.20 works fine so it is definitely the Maya plugin.
Affected are all plugins after version2.7.8.

To reproduce:

1. Create a nParticles emiiter.
2. create something to instance e.g. a torus
3. select torus and then the nParticle
4. create an instancer
5. play to a frame where some particles are emitted
6. render with FIRE or Maxwell render

The instanced torus on the particles does not render. In Maya 2013 with Maxwell plugin 2.7.8 they do render. Exported MXS files from Maya 2013 and Plugin 2.7.8 do render fine with the latest Maxwell render.

If needed, I can supply a Maya file for testing.

I think there should be really testscenes for catching obvious errors like this.

Cheers, Florian

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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