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By Ernesto

Using Maya 2012, the newest pluggin, and Maxwell 2.7 (newest version)

I have been trying to create the ground plane which would match the Back Plate for long time.
Perhaps none of the users here is using Maya, since everybody seems to have no trouble with this.
After several days trying this UV, ... 47#p366431 ... 32&t=40331 ... =0#p366544 ... 36#p366578
here is what I have found:

My assumption is that we have some kind of bug related to maxwell Render 2.7

Using Maya 7 and Maxwell 1.7, it is possible to create an UV based on Camera, and it renders OK in Maxwell.
The same cannot be achieved in Maya 2012 and maxwell 2.7.
The strange thing is that if I do it in Maya 7 and Maxwell 1.7, and open in Maya 2012 it works ok, but it is impossible to modify it, or to do it from scratch in a 2012 file.
Just to find out what was going on, I tried to use the comand UVs editor in maya 2012, and I can see that the UV is right, matching the Perspective, but it is Maxwell Render that cannot render accordingly. It renders as if the UVs were planar.

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By Ernesto
No. I haven´t
I am studing these now.
Thanks Mihai

In that link it says:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:22 am
Ah ok, I've managed to reproduce it. There's indeed a problem when you assign materials with projected textures per face instead of on the whole object. We'll try to fix it for the next update.

I wonder if this was fixed already or not?

Now, it seems to get closer! Thanks again Mihai


Anyway now I have to solve a "scale problem"

In the Maya Help it says:
Create UVs > Create UVs Based On Camera
Creates UV texture coordinates for the selected object based on the current camera view as a planar projection. That is, the camera view becomes the plane of projection.
Create UVs > Create UVs Based On Camera >
Create new UV set
Turn this option on to create a new UV set and place the newly created UVs in that set. Type the name of the UV set in the UV Set Name box.

It seems SOO simple!
That I cannot know what is wrong!

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By Ernesto
Bug confirmed!

I was doing it right, but it doesn´t work in Maxwell
Here in this image, I did it using a Maya Material, and rendered in Maya Software:


So, I wonder which is the version in which this bug was solved.
I though that I was using the newest possible versions for Maxwell Render and Maya Pluggin
Maxwell Render =
Maxwell plug-in for Maya version 2.7.11. Maxwell SDK Version: Current API version: 2012030501.
Lowest supported API version: 2012030501.

And in fact, they are the newest versions.
God! I cannot believe you organized a competition that Maxwell for Maya cannot support, because of a curent Bug.
It couldn´t be more inopportune, and It really deserves a FIX.

As for my short experience using Maxwell 2.7 it is the second time a major bug stops me from doing what I need.
I think that You (NEXT LIMIT) have to release a fixed version before Maxwell 3
Finnally I wish GOOD LUCK to all the competitors (if not using Maya)

Perhaps I could see you in the next Challenge!

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By Mihnea Balta
Ernesto wrote: So, I wonder which is the version in which this bug was solved.
I though that I was using the newest possible versions for Maxwell Render and Maya Pluggin
Maxwell Render =
Maxwell plug-in for Maya version 2.7.11. Maxwell SDK Version: Current API version: 2012030501.
Lowest supported API version: 2012030501.

And in fact, they are the newest versions.
No, they aren't. The newest version of the Maya plug-in is 2.7.12. It says so in the "Releases" thread at the top of this forum, in the release notes section of the documentation and probably in a bunch of other places. But that doesn't matter, because the bug you're talking about has nothing to do with the problem you're seeing.
Ernesto wrote: I was doing it right, but it doesn´t work in Maxwell
I've just tested this, and I get identical results between Maxwell and Maya Software. Of course, if you create a new UV set, you have to tell Maxwell to use it (the UV channel control in the Maxwell Image Controls rollup does that). In your case however, since you don't need multiple UV sets on that plane, you should uncheck the "Create new UV set" box so that the projected coordinates overwrite the default UVs, and you can leave the channel control to 0.

If you still have trouble with this, please upload a scene which exhibits the error.

You can also do perspective mapping using a projection node. Instead of assigning a file node directly in the refl0 slot of the material, connect a projection node, and connect the image to that projection node. On the projection node, set the type to "Perspective" and the "Link To Camera" dropdown to your render camera.
Ernesto wrote: As for my short experience using Maxwell 2.7 it is the second time a major bug stops me from doing what I need.
That remains to be seen.
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By dariolanza
Hello Ernesto,

Keep in mind what I've commented in another thread about this topic:

This is not a bug, you just simply have to subdivide the ground plane mesh.

This is not coming from a wrong function of Maxwell, but from the different way the UV coordinates are transferring to Maxwell rather than from other renderer (i.e. like Maya software renderer).

So, whenever you need a camera projection mapping, subdivide the ground plane mesh, specially close to the camera. The closer the vertices, the better. You will get a perfect match of your texture this way.

In addition to that, keep in mind that the HDR image should be used for illumination, reflections and refractions, but for the background only as a reference. The final composition should be done over a clean planar plate (rather than over the HDRI itself) to get the best resolution and background image quality.

No VFX studio composes any render over the HDRI image due this reason.


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what about gpu maxwell q project?

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