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By stir

I just came across this little oddball.

I have a scene with a large audience sitting around. These people are static, but since they are so many they slow down my scene hard.
So i exported them out as MXSrefrences and loaded them in so i could see them as pointcloud. Also gaining faster viewport and saving speeds.

The odd thing now is that they ain't affected by the scene scale under the render parameters. I exported them with a scenescale set to 0,5.
Now i figured i don't want that and set the scale back to 1. everything works in the render except the mxs they are now to small, like they still are 0,5.

I can rexport the audience again in the right scale setting and it all be fine. I just wanted to hear if this is normal behavior? it will also be dull if you in any case export a long sequence, since that can take some time.


Haha, thanks.

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