By thaBadfish
Set a render up for the weekend, when I came back this morning I had a low memory error on windows. It seems windows was trying to close maxwell.exe to resolve the low memory error, because MW had a confirm exit dialog box open, however MW crashed as soon as I clicked anything. It seems my render ran for only 24h 3m before it stopped working.

I am running win7 w/ 24GB RAM. My scene file has multilight : intensity and is only outputting the render channel.

This is the first time I have gotten a low memory error with maxwell, but also the first time in awhile I have used multilight.

Edit: This may be caused by my pagefile. I just noticed my OS SSD has only 14GB free on it, and my pagefile is allotting 24GB. I have moved the pagefile to my 2nd HDD and disabled the pagefile on the SSD. I will test tonight and see if this was the problem.

Edit2: Fixed via increasing pagefile on second drive.

Haha, thanks.

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