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Hello dear users,

As many of you already know, Trimble decided to remove their API for C++ on which our main exporter to Maxwell was built. That made our plugin to crash when trying to render or launching Fire. We have just uploaded a new version which fixes this problem. This new version of our plugin for SketchUp does not rely on the C++ exporter anymore and is capable of exporting everything through Ruby.

It is Maxwell 4 | SketchUp 4.2.3 and you can find it at the portal as always:

This is mainly a compatibility update; please check the release notes, especially if you are using MacOS:

Maxwell 4 | SketchUp 4.2.3
Publish date: Wed, 27 Aug 2019

  • Added support for SketchUp 2019.2 (On Mac, we suggest to use this version of the plugin with SketchUp 2019.2 or later and using the previous version (4.2.2) if you are using older versions of SketchUp 2019); if you are using SketchUp 2018, 2017, 2016 or 2015, you can use 4.2.3 without problems).
  • Known issues: on El Capitan (MacOS 10.11), if you are using SU 2019.1 or older, which is not supported by Trimble, you may get a crash if you launch Fire; once you launch a render or choose a folder to save the output it won't happen anymore. We decided to keep it like that as it's not very likely the users have that combination of OS and SketchUp.
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