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Hello dear users,

Finally, the long-awaited version of the Maxwell plugin for Rhino 6 is here. This version sets the baseline for our plugin for Rhino 6 and it will evolve from here and should be easily ported to Mac when Rhino 6 arrives for that OS.

You will be able to find it in the download area at the portal as always:

We'll try to help you out with the transition with some tips and images:


  • You will be able to set all the general settings (previous output tab) in Rhino’s Rendering tab. Here you will be able to set Maxwell as render engine, set engine and render settings, Multilight, Extra Sampling, Denoiser, Output options, Channels (without custom alpha), Globals, Tone Mapping, Simulens and Overlay Text options.
Rhino_Rendering tab.png

  • In Rhino’s Environment tab you will be able to create as many Maxwell Environments as you want. All the environment options are implemented and Rhino options like Solid color or Gradient are translated to Maxwell if used and you will be able to preview Maxwell Environment in the viewport if it is set to Rendered, Raytraced or Maxwell FIRE modes. Rhino’s sun can also be used to set the time and date as well as location; if so, you will also be able to preview the sun in Rendered and Raytraced modes; if you don’t use Rhino’s sun you will only be able to preview the sun in FIRE.

  • You can currently launch FIRE only in a viewport like any other visualization mode, although you can have it in a floating Rhino’s viewport.
Rhino_Fire 2.png

  • At Rhino’s Materials tab you can add Rhino materials (which will be translated to Maxwell at render time) as well as referenced Maxwell materials. Currently, there’s no integrated material editor yet, but you can access MXED from within Rhino to edit the materials. The materials will show their preview in the list and the geometry in the viewport will show the main texture of the material projected onto it if the viewport is set to Rendered, Raytraced (Cycles) or Maxwell FIRE modes. Regarding Rhino materials, all of them are translated as well as Rhino procedural textures.

  • At Rhino’s Properties tab you can check both camera’s and object’s properties depending on if there’s none or any object selected. The camera properties section is complete except for the parameters of the special lenses (which have not yet been added): fisheye, spherical, cylindrical or stereo ones.
Rhino_camera properties.png

  • Additional settings like search paths, mxm gallery download folder or Fire settings can be tuned in Rhino’s Document Properties window:

What you won’t find yet in the plugin: extensions, like grass, scatter, sea or volumetrics. Custom alphas have not yet been implemented, as well as the material assistants or an integrated material editor. Some secondary features like blocked emitters, material override, etc. are still pending. Also, Fire still feels a bit sluggish, but we will try to find the cause for that.

We also have in mind adding several new features that were not available in the previous plugin; we will keep adding things and features in future updates.

We hope you enjoy the new plugin. Please, let us know any problem you find.

Kind regards,
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