By David3DCS
Hi, there. I just finished my scene for this competition. The chosen city is Madrid and my "out of place" the Sahara desert. I'd like to say thanks to Maxwell Render for this new competition & promote the tandem SKP-MXS. :wink: good luck to everyone!
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By dariolanza
Placing Madrid in the middle of the Sahara desert sounds interesting.

Let us see your sketches and the evolution of your project.

Good luck!

Dario Lanza
By David3DCS
Ok, here are some parts of my scene modeled. The subway entrance of Retiro park (Alcalá Street) and Alcalá Gate.. I've got some problems with Ram. The scene is modeled in hi-poly and Fire Engine doesn't work properly. Always I have the same problem, I'm a freak of details :roll:





I would like to show the final presentation of the scene just to at the last minute ... if you will allow me, Darío :wink: I'd like to keep the surprise effect.
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By dariolanza
Wow David3DCS,

Those models look terrific!

Of course you can save the last surprise for the last minute ; )
We are longing to see the final image.

Good luck!

Dario Lanza
By David3DCS
Hi Novena!
Ty for your comment :wink:
I hope to finish the scene during this week end.
"Saludos para ti también" :wink:
By David3DCS
Hi again. :wink:
I have a doubt. My final image is 800 x 580 px. My scene is landscape and if I change the size to 800 px by smallest side, I'm going to lose resolution... :shock:
What do you thing about this? I have uploaded my picture yesterday (with the dimensions that you say in the terms & conditions).
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By novena
hola David,
are you using the free version of the plugin? if yes, then you could use this little trick to increase the size of the image without losing resolution, but I dont know if it is permited by the terms & conditions of the competition, probably you already know the trick ;) ... 56#p422023

By David3DCS
Gracias Novena!. :wink:
Finalmente aumenté la resolución a "pelo" por si no estaba permitido usar el método que me indicas. Evidente.ente la imagen ha perdido un poco de nitidez.
Lo que no acabé de entender es que si la versión gratuita del plugin es de 800x800 px, pidan el lado mas corto de 800 px... si la escena no cabe en un cuadrado, esa resolución se va a modificar sí o sí para cumplir con las bases y en consecuencia, la imagen estará en desventaja con otra de la versión de pago.
Gracias nuevamente por tu ayuda. :wink:
By David3DCS
Ty for your aid Novena :wink:
Finally I increased the resolution, but manually, because I don't know if is not allowed to use the method that you say me. Obviously the image has lost a bit of sharpness. :(
If the free version of plugin is 800x800 and you must upload an image with 800px by smallest side, then i think people who use free version haven't got the same oportunity to present a right render without noise.
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By novena
de nada David3DCS! (I take this in english so everyone understands)
in my opinion it should not be penalized the use of this trick to increase the resolution, at the end it is just about getting the best out of the 'restrictions' of this great plugin... actually using this trick is a good way to render an image using 2 computers ;)
hope someone from Maxwell staff could give some light to this issue...
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